Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

He Didn't Know I Could Pick The Lock - Until It Was Too Late

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You ever have that nagging suspicion that one thing is not ideal in your live in relationship? The small items you've noticed are beginning to add up: Working late, unaccounted for time, sudden interest in their appearance, secrecy, inexplicable anger and suspicion toward you? I could go on but you get the picture. We're talking reasonable suspicions. Not insecurity.

It appears like yesterday when it happened to me. I produced the silly mistake of committing to someone I did not know particularly properly. I fell in enjoy with the guy he portrayed and not who he really was. But soon there were signs I could no longer ignore. We began this insane dance of conflict: I would confront and he would keep away from. I would cry and he would scowl or turn into silent. I would threaten violence (not a good concept) and he would threaten to leave. Action needed to be taken. I had to know which one of us was crazy! I didn't really feel in control of myself or my surroundings. So this is what I did.

I came home from a military deployment. I'd like to say I planned it that way. But missed connections and bad weather wreaked havoc on my itinerary. He had a general concept when I'd be arriving. I did not anticipate the locks to be changed. I guess I never ever told him about the lock picking trick my brother taught me as a kid. Regrettably for him I was standing in my living room when he discovered that out. It wasn't fairly. He was cheating with an ex-girlfriend. Practically living together in MY apartment! The apartment he soon located himself locked out of.

Do I regret utilizing that trick and discovering the painful truth? Heck no! Taking that action put me in control of MY household, possessions and life. From that moment on nothing I controlled could be hidden or applied against me without having my consent. My ex tried a variety of times to weasel back into my life and heart. But guess what? I locked him out of there too.

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